PRIVACY STATEMENT We hate Spam. We will never sell, rent or lease your contact information to anyone else. complies with the current legal requirements regarding our clients’ privacy. To provide you with the services you request and to maintain an effective business relationship, uses the information you give us. As well as contacting you regarding requested services, we may send you information on further products or services we deem may be of specific interest to you. We may, from time to time, send you details of products or services which may specifically be of use to you, offered by a third party. We do not give any third party your details. When following up on these offerings, please remember to check the third party’s privacy statement and website security. is not responsible for web content or privacy of information on other websites. All personal information is appropriately secured and protected from unauthorized use, access or disclosure. Information is used solely for the purposes outlined above except: If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy statement, please contact Calgary Training Inc A Division of Calgary Training Inc.